This is our moderation…

It is not extreme, it is REAL food!

I love this photo of my Avery eating Cheetos. Although I wish Cheetos would change their products to incorporate safer and healthier ingredients, this is part of being a kid at Halloween in today’s world. She ate a small bag of Cheetos and a lollipop and I had no guilt.

Most people think my diet and lifestyle are very extreme but I truly believe in balance. I want my children to love food, not be afraid of it but also learn to enjoy REAL food! So at home that means a 100% organic diet that consists of primarily plant-based foods with small portions of poultry, fish and eggs. I have given them grass-fed meat twice. We do not eat any dairy and we limit processed foods, corn, soy and wheat.

The kids still have treats at parties. My husband and I love our date nights out at restaurants…but at home, it is REAL food! We eat from the earth as much as we can. That’s our moderation and it may sound extreme but it just takes a little getting used to. More importantly, when you feel great…there is no going back!

This is our moderation…


Hi! I am Tracy Posillico. Our lives were turned right-side up when our daughter was diagnosed with cancer. We learned to eat better, live well and love hard. Follow me as I raise funds as awareness for Pediatric Cancer and share my love of Health. Always BELIEVE-ing

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